The country and the government are preparing for a significant national crisis. The measures being proposed in the Coronavirus Bill, as well as economic and social measures already announced demonstrate the concern about will follow in the coming weeks and months.

While many have recognised the importance of individual responsibility there are daily examples where guidance on social distancing, isolation, and panic buying isn’t being followed which ultimately places us collectively in a weaker position. I expect the government will be forced to impose significant new restrictions as a result which will impact on us all to a much greater extent.

We must remember the lives lost to the virus already, and those who are now separated from loved ones being treated in isolation.

Over the weekend we have received a significant number of emails on a wide range of issues including school closures and communication with affected Key Worker parents, religious burials (though I think we will see progress on this today), support for businesses struggling to make ends meet, and many self-employed people who feel let down so far.

I am also extremely concerned that there have not yet been enough measures put in place that give those on low incomes, or who are self-employed the financial safety net they need to be able to make the right choices. For some self-isolating means they will be placed in significant financial hardship. I will continue the press for greater financial support for all constituents who will be affected by the measures in place and those which may follow. I hope that the announcements made so far give an indication of what is to come for those who feel they will be left without the support they need and support.

At the same time many businesses are rightly concerned about the future. I welcome measures to support smaller businesses and those to protect jobs by underwriting wages, but I continue to press for support for medium sized companies with larger overheads which may be difficult to meet.

I remain concerned still that the anticipated peak could overwhelm already stretched public services. Our Key Workers in public services, charities and food and transport in particular will be placed under immense pressure.

Like many constituents I am concerned about the social impact of isolation, particularly as the country moves to isolate around 1.5 million high risk and vulnerable people, and as millions of children face being out of school for a number of months.

Please note that over the past couple of weeks email casework volume has increased significantly, with a further 100 new cases this weekend alone. Because of this follow up correspondence may take time to get through, to ensure those who are raising urgent issues get as quicker initial reply as possible.

You can find out more information on how the virus affects local public services at from Oldham Council here:

You can also read the latest Government guidance and news here:

Because of the increased casework demand my team are working on Monday to Saturday to ensure urgent issues are picked up, and where possible dealt immediately. We are also bringing new technology to ensure we can meet constituents ‘face to face’ through Zoom video conferencing, which you can access on a computer, smartphone or tablet with WIFI. We will be carrying out telephone advice surgeries where this isn’t possible.

Whatever the next weeks and months bring, we are standing with you.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'STAY AT HOME PROTECT THE NHS save lives'


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